
“An important book which every believer should not only read, but heed.”
-Cal Thomas, USA Today columnist & Fox News personality, author

“A first rate journalist and writer, Dickerson writes with empathy, preferring to explain rather than scold. He’s written an illustrious book.”
-Ken Auletta, The New Yorker media critic, best-selling author
Pulitzer Prize juror

“I encourage every Christian leader to read the facts and the strategies John presents in The Great Evangelical Recession. This book will help prepare you for the future.”
-Larry Osborne, author of Sticky Teams and Accidental Pharisees
Senior Pastor, North Coast Church, Vista, CA

“A brilliant book. A must read for any Christian hoping to see their faith regain traction in a changing world.”
-Gabe Lyons, author of UnChristian and The Next Christians
founder, Q ideas

“John S. Dickerson is that rarity among evangelicals–a journalist of the highest capacity, but more than that, an analyst of breadth, insight and laser sharp foresight. With persuasive force, his book portrays the future status of the Church in a national culture that is alienated from Christianity. Few writers can gather, process, distill and apply a host of facts with the precision of John Dickerson.”
-John McCandlish Phillips, veteran New York Times journalist, author

“John Dickerson’s work-up on the health and welfare of the evangelical cause may jolt your spiritual senses, but he’s followed it up with a prescription that will work. There’s no gloom or doom in The Great Evangelical Recession; just an honest assessment of where we are and real solid hope for what we need to do to get to where we need to be.”
-Dr. Tim Kimmel, author of Grace Based Parenting and In Praise of Plan B

The Great Evangelical Recession has gone a long way in contextualizing the plight of the church in today’s culture. There is no question that the church has weakened over these last few decades. Before we can expect our Lord to bring healing and revitalization to its health, there must be a humble truthfulness to our condition. John Dickerson’s work brings sense to what brought the church to this point.”
-Dr. Darryl DelHousaye, President, Phoenix Seminary